Monday, November 11, 2013

Rock the Shot Canon 5D Mark III Giveaway! YES, PLEASE!!

Today I received an email from Rock the Shot that I KNEW I had to share. I recently purchased the Canon 5D Mark III, and it is AMAZING! Here is your chance to win one, along with tons of other wonderful and amazing prizes!  It ends November 25th, so hurry and enter by clicking  here.

Part of the email I received:

It may only be November, but Santa Claus is coming early to Rock the Shot fans this year!
We’ve put together the EPIC 5D Mark III GIVEAWAY: a giveaway SO big we think you’ll be dreaming about it at night!
 Because we LOVE our fans so much, one SUPER LUCKY person will have an incredible jump-start on their photography career and receive:

A Canon 5D Mark III {$3,399 Value}
A $1,000 Amazon Gift Card towards the Canon Lens of your choice
A Lifetime Membership to Rock the Shot Forum ($175 Value)

(end said email)

I'm absolutely drooling over this contest!  I love Canon, and I love lenses!  I would take any one of these prizes, and you should to!  Over $4,800 in prizes being offered here, folks!  Do yourself a great big, huge favor and enter now!

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